Monday, December 31, 2007
Skye said I should sooo....
Of note Oilers captain, Ethan Moreau, scored his first goal after finally finally returning to the Edmonton lineup. All I have to say is Why Ethan? Why this team?
However Rick Nash had answered by the end of the game with a startlingly amazing hat trick with only 7 seconds left in the game. So what if it was on an empty net it was a thing of beauty. I quite approved of the long drawn out shots of his decidedly entertaining conversation with Jared Boll afterwards but maybe I'm just personally drawn to anything the babies do. Maybe.
Also of note Jiri Novotny continues to be a big fat jerk and makes Ales Kotalik cry and think their BFFship was not enough to motivate him in Buffalo. Jerk. Ales' should never be allowed to cry.
Finally GILBERT BRULE STOP FAILING AT LIFE. How could you get scratched on your birthday (shut up it counts) no I don't care if you had the bubonic plague it's still pathetic! And you're making me cry!
PS: Buffalo will be playing tomorrow (they were afraid the ice wouldn't be ready which would've made for a stadium full of unhappy people I'm fairly certain) and notice how I say BUFFALO and not SIDNEY CROSBY. It was our city first you little brat gtfo. This disgusting display of favouritism with not discourage me from cheering for one, Ty Conklin, however and I'm sure Buffalo will welcome him warmly when he gives up that turnover goal that wins us the game. I love you Ty, no sarcasm there.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Anyone who says that Nik Zherdev hasn't grown this season needs to just look at that EN goal that he HAD, his hat trick that was guaranteed, and he passed it instead. And the fans threw hats anyways. Love it.
See what you do to me, Nik Zherdev? You reduce me to tears, baby boy. Love you so much.
First star well earned and deserved.
Also: Eric Staal, I am not friends with you right now. That was supposed to be a shutout. Jerk.
Jackets Goals: Zherdev, Klesla (Hainsey, Zherdev), Zherdev (Nash), Beech (Zherdev, Foote)
Carolina Goals: Staal (Whitney)
Final Score: 4-1
Friday, December 28, 2007
Christmas sort of rocks this year.
I picked:
Oilers/Thrashers - January 20
Avalanche/Thrashers - March 11 (heeeJoseTheodore)
If Colorado ends up missing a goalie, it wasn't me, 'kay?
In other news, I bought Martin Brodeur's book, "Beyond the Crease" and the man is hilarious. The tongue in cheek humor has me giggling like a retard.
In actual Blue Jackets news, I got to see Pazzy's SEVENTH SHUTOUT OF THE SEASON this past December 26. The one time I will get to see them on an actual tv? Love it. ♥
That's all from me for now. Ta~
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Weekly seems to be my thing, apparently.
My reaction to this is: Maybe it needs to be more than a suspension. This isn't the first time he's shown himself capable of doing things like this. Stop him completely. Don't let him play.
Yes, that's what his 'leave' was for, was for him to figure out what was going on, but to me, that's not going to solve anything.
In other news.
That poor, poor tour guide. My heart goes out to her.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Take that, Aaron Portzline.
Oh. Yeah. Baby. ♥
That said, we lost tonight, 2-1 to the Wild, and I didn't get to see it. Who else is surprised? Yeah, no one? Yeah, thought so.
I'll get to watch the game against the Ducks on Monday though, so woo for me!
I'm going to go back to looking up the weather in Helsinki, Finland now. Don't ask. Just...Don't ask.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Yes, yes, I live.
I rarely ever get to see Jackets games anymore, because I'm always working.
I heard that Saturday's Wings/Jackets game was a good one, though, complete with Pascal Leclaire taking a roughing penalty, plus Westcott's first goal, and goals for Fedorov, Nash, and Zherdev.
Speaking of Zherdev, his play this season has been nothing short of amazing. It makes me laugh in the face of all the nay-sayers. I'm looking at you, Aaron Portzline.
So that's my little update to say oh hay, I'm not dead, but don't expect every-game-posting like last season, 'cause that's...Just not going to happen. ._.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Goals for Jackets: Nash
Goals for Red Wings: Lebda, Holmstrom, Cleary, and Zetterberg
Final Score: 4-1 Jackets Loss
Friday, November 9, 2007
I promise I'm not dead. Really I'm not.
So, in the middle of watching the Jackets/Wings game, it's 2-1, on a Lebda goal and a Holmstrom goal for Detroit, and a Nash goal for Columbus.
Go Jackets!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
90th post and it had to be this?
Please be alright, Patrice Bergeron. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Anybody that finds out anything, I'm begging you to let me know. Thanks.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
A few hours late, but! CBJ @ BUF: 3-0 SHUTOUT WIN
Goals for Columbus: Peca, Nash, Zherdev
Goals for Buffalo: NONE
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Well, shit.
I haven't gotten to see a lot of the Jackets because being in Atlanta, FSN Ohio hates me. What I have seen is the Thrashers NOSEDIVE. Wow has that been shocking or what? 0-6, they fire Hartley, and now this. All I can say about the Thrashers is "Well. Shit."
As for the Jackets, I'm trying to reserve judgement. They're looking good, but optimism could only hurt me at this point, so I'm going to be muchly cautiously optimistic.
In other news, but not really...I love Freddy's new mask. It's shiny and pretty and new logo! I love it.
That's all for now. Drea's going to the Jackets/Sabres game tomorrow, maybe she'll give us a nice post (with pictures!) about it.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Zherdev played amazingly. His passing, his skating, his hitting.
The cannon is so made of win. I love it.
Nash with first star wholeheartedly deserved it. He had an amazing game.
Phrase of the night? Simply amazing.
There are no other words. ♥
Goals for Columbus: Nash, Fedorov, Nash, Hainsey.
Goals for Anaheim: None.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
I hate the Canes.
End of story, kthxbai.
In other news, Valtteri Filppula with a goal in the Wings game, which makes me mildly happier.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Blue Jackets Season Preview
I repeat. It can't get any worse than last year. Can it?
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Cuts and stuff...Stuff.
Taken from the Blue Jackets site.
Uh. We've lost two and won one. Right? Or was it lost three and won one? I think it might be the latter. I hate working sometimes. D:
Friday, September 14, 2007
Oh, and some articles of interest.
Blue Jackets to Try Zherdev at Centre
I'm excited about this one. Like, really really really excited. Like, I can't even explain. Though it might have a lot to do with the image of Zherdev almost falling off his chair. That's just hilarious.
You know it's going to be a good season...
Friday, August 24, 2007
This seemed like good enough news to drag myself out of hiding.
I really don't have an opinion on this, since I only know of him by name (Second year fan, remember?). Hopefully it'll bring about some good.
And no. I don't want to talk about him. He is dead to me, 'kay? 'Kay.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Kudos to Bethany for the heads up. I would have completely missed it. I just rock like that.
Nice to see the Jackets are doing something in the offseason.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
This is too good to pass up.
Carolina Hurricanes' centre Eric Staal and younger brother, Pittsburgh Penguins' Jordan Staal, were among 14 people arrested in Cook County, Minnesota Monday after the elder Staal's bachelor party got out of hand.
Both brothers were charged with disorderly conduct and obstructing the legal process, while Jordan was also charged with consumption of alcohol while under 21 years of age. Eric's agent, Rick Curran, said he expected the misdemeanor charges to be reduced or dismissed.
According to a statement released by the Cook County Sheriff's office, after the Sheriff's office received complaints about "screaming, yelling and playing loud music," the group of about 20 was warned "multiple times" before it was ordered to leave the resort by Sheriff's deputies, a Minnesota State Patrol trooper and a U.S. Border Patrol agent at 3 a.m. Monday.
"After leaving the property, the group gathered on Highway 61 and began harassing passing motorists," the Sheriff's office said, at which point 14 members of the group were arrested at approximately 4 a.m. Eric Staal was one of 10 people to spend the night in jail.
Eric Staal scored 30 goals and picked up 40 assists last season while brother Jordan, a Calder trophy finalist, had 29 goals, 13 assists and lead the league in shorthanded goals.
Ahaha. Um. *snrk*
Uh, yeah.
Jordan: Don't tell Mom. Do NOT tell Mom.
Eric: ...Shit, we're screwed. We can't tell Marc or Jared, they'll run to Mom.
Jordan: ...Call Cam?
Eric: Holy shit, no!
*shot* Ahaha, this has been your daily dose of retarded. XD
EDIT: Oh God.
Friday, July 20, 2007
So, uh, to let you all know I'm not dead. :D
Is it October yet?
What about September?
Negative on that too?
In other news: Conks! He's been signed! ...By the Pens. Dear Lord. Now, we need to hear news of Juicy, 'kay?
Little things have happened with the Jackets: As in, Svitov and Tollefsen were resigned ages ago and I squeed, because my Norwegian's back. Oh, and Nikolai's best-friend-forever too. So, uh, right. There was other stuff too, but Ole > other stuff. :D
Oh! And schedules are out! Aren't you all happy?! At least we know the season's slowly getting here. D:
Edit: Oh, and I still love Jakub Voracek. :D *wanders off now*
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
So. My summary of FA so far.

-Chris Drury looks horrid in the Rangers jersey.
-The Jackets grabbed Novotny and Hejda. Adding this to the other four Czechs we already had, we are quickly forming a Czech Mafia (no matter how hard that hurts, Steph, it's true!).
-I still love Jakub Voracek.
-Slava Kozlov is staying in Atlanta!
-The Ducks continue to play the "Whee let's steal our competitor's players! :D" game.
And that's all from me.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Gee, thanks Foote. WE LOVE YOU TOO.
...Well, honestly, after the day I've had, all I have to say to that is "Go the fuck back to Colorado then. We don't need you.".
I think that's it for now. Unless Free Agency really does make me cry and throw things. This hockey off season does not bode well for me.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Jakub Voracek...
And I love him.
Also, there's a kid that got drafted by the Thrashers named Niklas Lucenius, and he looks like Valtteri Filppula, and that is enough for me to love him. >> ...That and he's Finnish. *snerk*
Right. I'm gonna be on a hiatus for a few days (this time completely voluntary), so I will see you all in a few days, hopefully! ♥
Friday, June 15, 2007
Oh. Right.
Anybody know if they actually ever showed them? Because I couldn't find them.
Anyways, here's the list of winners.
I'm gonna go back to poking at the Blue Jackets roster and being amused by "Bio" section that they now have.
New GM Time!
Blue Jackets Name Scott Howson General Manager
As for my thoughts, everything seems to be pointing in the right direction for my boys.
As for the Stanley Cup results...Let's just say, I spent the night sitting on the floor, sobbing as I watched Chris Pronger lift the Cup. The rest of the team deserved it.
And seeing my two little Jacket boys (Shush, they ARE STILL JACKETS dammit, I will not resign myself to associating them with that team.), Motzko and Hartigan, lift the Cup made me smile bigger than anything did that evening. And Teemu Selanne made me cry as well. What is it with me and my inherent love of all Finns? I seriously need to stop. It's going to get me in trouble one of these days.
So, I think I'm going to join the campaign that seems to be going around and just pretend that the '06-'07 playoffs never happened, and I didn't see Chris Pronger hoist the Cup. Sound good? Yeah, sounds good to me too.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Should I get the Kleenex ready for tonight?
Game 5 of the Stanley Cup Finals tonight, and I am dreading it with every fibre of my being. If I have to see Chris Pronger hoist the Cup tonight, I think I will just sob.
At the same time, if the Ducks do clinch tonight, I don't have to worry about missing any hockey while I am in Jamaica this weekend (can we say Skye will be sunburnt to HELL? Yes? Thought so.). But I did NOT want that to be at the expense of having to see Chris Pronger hoist the Stanley Cup. It makes me want to cry just thinking about it.
Who knows, though? Maybe Ottawa will stop playing like ass like they did in Game 4, and take it to 7. And maybe have a better outcome than another Canadian team that introduced me to hockey one year ago. We can hope, yeah? *sigh*
Friday, June 1, 2007
Idaho Wins The Kelly Cup
Idaho Captures 2007 Kelly Cup Championship
The ECHL's baby Jackets gave it their all, but they fell short to Idaho. They had a good run, and that's all you can ask for.
Good job, Bombers!
Also, words cannot express how loudly I squealed when they interviewed Ryan Smyth during Game 2 on Wednesday.
Friday, May 25, 2007
This is me not caring about the playoffs! :D
Ottawa in 7.
I'll go back to ignoring hockey now, kthx.
PS: I'm in Atlanta now. Kari Lehtonen: ...You better fear for your life. :D
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Your regularly scheduled roundly update
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Firefox ate my post.
Anyways. Here's a shortened version of what it was going to be.
Western Conference
(1)DET vs (2)ANA
So, I had this nice little paragraph written up about these two teams, and how I disliked them both at the beginning of the season, and now I have a stupid affection for the Wings. Seeing as I can't remember what it all said, I'm just gonna say this is going to be a very hard fought series.
My Prediction: Detroit in 7
Eastern Conference
(1)BUF vs (4)OTT
Gee, another matchup where I like one team and loathe the other. Again, both teams are very good, and it will be hard fought. Not to mention The Brawl that happened earlier this season. Will we see a repeat performance? Let's hope not. We don't have Martin Biron to go up against Ray Emery anymore. ...Though that could possibly be a good thing, no matter how much I love Marty. *pats him*
My Prediction: Buffalo in 7
So there you have it. I don't think I've been right so far, so who knows what'll really happen? :D
Saturday, May 5, 2007
I didn't get to watch a lot of the Sabres game last night, but I saw the last four minutes and the overtime goal, and that's all that really matters,
Anyways. I have some news. I was planning to go to the NHL Draft in June in Columbus. Sadly, since I am moving to Atlanta in two weeks, I won't be able to do this...I'm seriously distressed about it, but there's not much I can do about it.
So, like, Steph, Drea, if you still want tickets or something, let me know, and I'll keep the tickets reserved for you.
So, right. I'm gonna go back to listening to Green Day and hoping I can watch more hockey later tonight. :D
Friday, May 4, 2007
Random ECHL Update, Whut?
So. I live about a half hour away from Dayton, Ohio, where the Dayton Bombers play. Well, they're in their playoffs right now, and my mom and I had kind of resigned ourselves that they were going to get eliminated, because they were down 3 games to 1 game. And wouldn't you know it...
Dayton Beats Cincinnati 5-3
Bombers Advance To American Conference Finals
They came back from a 3-1 game deficit to win the series. Way to go, boys!
That'll teach Mom and I not to count good ol' Ohio boys out, huh?
Sometimes I like to follow baby hockey...
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
So, uh, I had something to say.
But then this happened.
...My brain is kind of dead.
That's my contribution for the day. :D
The picture is shit and I still stand by it...

As I told Skye. Either King Henrik's pads have sprouted cancer (and if so, it's such a shame that it's not contagious) or that's a puck I see over the goal line. And I can argue it with that kind of shit quality. I think that's the most blatantly BS call I've seen all season regular and post.
That said the slugs are still living up to that name and they shouldn't even NEED to be relying on these type of goals to have a shot at OT and relying on OT to have a shot at possibly maybe winning the game. They're a better team than that. I can't even watch them anymore because they lack energy and heart and grit and they don't even deserve to be called sitting ducks right now the way that team is showing up. It's like they're already polishing the golf clubs for all they care. Whatever they care about it certainly doesn't seem like the rest of this play off series with the cup waiting at the end. New York isn't even playing THAT much better save for Lundqvist who has been nothing short of a wall and I think the number of times I heard his posts ring was damn near heart breaking. If Buffalo stepped it up... if they could get even one line moving they'd probably be putting up and even fight.
If the rest of the series' continue the way they're going I dare say I will be left teamless by the end of this round. It's rather baffling to considering going into even conference finals full of indifference and I don't like it one bit. Someone better step up soon (No slight against you Vancouver, you guys have been playing your hearts out and it shows and I only wish it would show in the score)
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Playoff hockey? ...Oh yeah, that's still going on. :D
Eastern Conference
(1)Buffalo v. (6)New York Rangers
Well, I have an affection for both teams, but I want Buffalo to advance. A goal from Petr Prucha for NYR would not be discouraged though.
My Prediction: Buffalo in 6.
(2)New Jersey v. (4)Ottawa
...Can I say neither? No? Ok. Uh. Damn this one is really hard.
My Prediction: New Jersey in 7.
Western Conference
(1)Detroit v. (5)San Jose
So, as much as I love San Jose lately, I still have to go with Detroit, because of the rookies. That and I'm a horrible Ohio girl. *sigh*
My Prediction: Detroit in 5.
(2)Anaheim v. (3)Vancouver
This one's harder. Anaheim has been a good team all year. But, I'd love to see Vancouver go forward, soooo. (No mid-series breakdown, this time, ok, Canucks? Ok. Awesome.)
My Prediction: Vancouver in 6.
So, right, I think that's it from me for now.
It's like a triathalon...
No I'm not sure where I'm going with this metaphor or if it even makes sense but with each pass it gets a little harder on them and a little easier for me to ramble about them. I suppose I should have made another post after those last two slugs games since it seems like all I really do is rag on the team. But seriously. I was proud of the team. I was happy to see them doing well again. Game four I thought they showed up in a way that hadn't since the plague of injuries struck. Minus a captain going down here, a goalie brawl there and a trade deadline to top it all off. Which is more than I can say about a certain coach who we have the misfortune of being associated prior to Ruff's tenure. (Seriously though, I don't dislike Nolan but geez could he whine about every thing OUT of his control a little more? How about owning up to the fact that you're stuck with two of the real slugs in the league. Still cleaning up the mess you started with aren't ya Ted.)
That said this was just the begining and everyone better know that. The Rangers are not the Islanders. But bias aside I'd be hard pressed to ever doubt (at least for quite a while) that upset can't over come the challenge of long island (I'm seriously thrilled about this whole mini battle of New York State we've got going on okay?) So what makes this one so much harder? Jagr and Nylander? Yeah sure they can throw a bit more offense at us than the Isles but they're only running two... three lines at best and I hear they plan to put them through the blender to take ours on. When Buffalo shows up they have four solid competant lines. Do the math. Avery? Ha. Ha. Ha. And I'll have you know each one of those exclamations was written with emphatic deliberance (IT'S A WORD) Avery thinks he can get under our skin as do a couple comments from the coachin staff that I've seen. Not going to happen. Tom of Sabres Rattling points out that Buffalo faces guys like Chris Neil and Darcy Tucker eight times a season. We know what to expect. We know how to take advantage of it and we've got our far share to throw back just in case. Defense? I don't think it's any secret that this is probably the weakest point of both teams. That said Buffalo's D is very different in that they regularly perform offensively. We wouldn't have made it out of round one without them and I think that could make a huge difference in the long run.
So that pretty much leaves. The goalie. I think the hardest wall to over come is without a doubt the better half of the lesser known pair of swedish twins. Lundqvist is hot right now and he knows it and that's a dangerous combination. I could make plenty of arguements that he's in far better form than Miller and I think round one already offered us a glimpse at what can happen when a lesser team has a superior goaltender. Does that mean it's over? Of course not! If Buffalo keeps playing the way they have it'll be a long painful series. I could see it going to seven rounds like that. But they keep improving and if they're in top form for this series I could see it getting done in 5 but lets just say 6 to be on the safe side.
As for the rest of the league. Ottawa faces New Jersey and nothing will make me happier than to see one of those two teams get knocked out. Now who do I prefer? Well our record against both isn't too different. 3-5-0 for the Sens and 2-2-0 for the Devils this season. That said I think Ottawa tends to get under Buffalo's skin more. Imo the most annoying team in our division but we know them. I'd still prefer the devils as if the first series was any indication Ottawa is playing some of their best hockey all season. Not to discredit the Devils as it seems like they've found a perfect medium to play their trap while still carrying some effective offense which makes them just as dangerous but it doesn't look like they're as together as the Sens. A point for the Sens also lies in the brawl of the season which could make for a fantastically good series and added rivalry. Either way it'll be hard but should be good.
In the west I think I'll be paying the most attention to the Ducks and the Canucks (oh snap it even rhymes). Not to discredit the Wings or San Jose who are both looking great but I think the conference winner is going to come out of the other series. Calgary's out (and I won't defend what they did nor speak ill of it but I do feel that series ended in the best way possible as Steph so cleverly pointed out) so that pretty much leaves me with
Buffalo and Vancouver to play tonight and I'll be stuck at school being lured in by free sushi. There in spirit. Go Slugs.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Thursday, April 19, 2007
So. I had playoff hockey to talk about.
But now, all I have to say is this.
DOUG MACLEAN FIRED? omgyespleasekthxbai.
Words cannot express how seriously and phenomanally HAPPY I am about this news. Though, what does this mean for my emotastic little (ok, not so little) Ukrainian wunderkind who doesn't like to listen? I shudder to think of it.
In other news, Wings/Flames game 4 tonight. Please don't make me cry, Wings. Please?
Now. I'm off to go patrol Youtube a little more Martin Biron stuff. Steph, where'd you find those commentaries you were talking about yesterday before I went out to die while driving?
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
As a Pens fan I feel like this right about now...
In fact I'm almost a little pissed that the those numbers aren't reversed because Pittsburgh may have been slow to come out of the box but they're trying. They're still together and they're still fighting but Ottawa has just been scary good from the start. The Pens are struggling but they're still trying! I can't say the same about Buffalo. At every turn they are disgusting me. They are suppose to be a high scoring puck moving team and what are they're forewards doing? They're on vacation in key west already. Especially our CAPTAIN. Our fourth line is performing better than our top and it's a good thing fans aren't allowed near the plays or I think more than a few would be tearing one, Daniel Briere, a new one. I am just waiting for Lindy to bump him for it and I have noticed that he hasn't been sporting a C lately.
I've always felt that Dru was the true captain of the team though while Danny was our star and boy everything bad you can say about star players has been ringing true with him lately. He's failing to make plays, follow through on plays, he's afraid or just unwilling to take and make hits and don't give me the size excuse cause than man can be obnoxious and rough when he wants to (and often is). He doesn't have the third highest pims on the team for nothing. Speaking of penalty minutes, generally I can be okay with those when you can back them up with some valuable points but since the end of regular season I have seen him do little more than take ridiculous hooking and slashing penalties and he even got himself thrown out of the game at one point. And no I am not giving him even the slightest ounce of credit for that goal he just got last game until he can start performing consistently. He's not the only one though just the one that infuriates me the most. It would be nice if Pominville and Vanek could step up too and Roy while making some great plays that I'm glad for is offsetting them with horribly costly ones. Of course like I said Dru is in top form and that's very important and somehow the D is keeping it together and even performing in place of the forewards while they flounder like fish.
I hear rumours that the team is falling apart in the locker room. That they're at each others throats and calling each other out some of them doing so publicly. I'm looking at you Ryan Miller, it wasn't cute or appropriate the first time and it sure as hell ain't helping anyone now. Not to mention bitching about the D when they are the only ones that are performing just because you haven't been in top form between the posts all series is not acceptable. It is your problem. Even if it is theirs it is your problem to address with them. Either way. FIX IT. And don't go crying to the media anymore because it is doing nothing to endear anyone to your cause.
I don't want to sound like I'm kissing monsieur Biron's ass right now but I think this is the hardest I've ever missed him right now. Off the rink, this was his forte. I'm not saying he was a some messiah that could solve all these problems oh of course not but he could still draw a group together inspite of them. I look at last years team and compared to this year and I don't know why we're falling apart now, when it made us so much stronger then but I'm truly sad to see it happening.
Speaking of the team last year we lost so many treasured players in the off season who are doing fantastic in their respective playoffs this year. JP Dumont for Nashville (Why JP? Why?) is having a spectacular post season with something like 7 points already. In spite of the fact that they will probably (hopefully) get trounced by San Jose. Which brings me to Mike Grier who is always a pleasure to watch and makes me feel not so terrible about cheering for the Sharks. And over in the Vancouver Dallas match up the Taylor Pyatt score a game winner on top of gaining some other key points while for the stars we have Stu Barnes netting a point or two himself. It's impossible to want them all to succeed but if it were!
In conclusion, I still have complete blinding faith in the Pens, want to have faith in Buffalo and Calgary, hope Anaheim would just hurry up and get their series over with, have a strange affection for Tampa shutting down NJ's game (and essentially kicking their fourth line out of the game in a brilliantly retarded ploy that I love them for), and am just so ridiculously glad that Vancouver is keeping me in the orange.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Playoff hockey...Round TWO!
-Watched the Flames/Wings game 1, and was SO happy. Valtteri Filppula's first playoff goal, right off the bat. Amazing. The Wings played very well, and earned that win wholly.
-I then got the end of the Sabres game 1, which Drea was at, and I talked to her on the phone for the entire third period. Drury and Briere amused me.
-Today, I've watched the Pens/Sens game, and was much more happy with the results. Sidney game winner, so I was quite a bit more happy.
So, since I have now run out of things to say, I will leave you with this.
Skye: Guess what gonna's be happening on my stove soon? :D
Drea: uhhh... cheese?
Skye: It involves cheese! :D
Skye: YES! XD
There's your daily dose of dorky-ness, from yours truly, and Drea. ♥
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Oh playoff hockey, how I love thee.
Calgary vs Wings tonight, and I am a horrible Ohio-born-and-bred girl for saying I want the Wings to win. Want them to win like I want the Jackets to make the playoffs
Though I really want the Islanders/Sabres game more than all that, because, hello, Martin Biron in booth? Do they KNOW what they've gotten themselves INTO? Oh God, I hope someone YouTubes some of that, because it will be AMAZING, hands down.
I also found out that my brother is going to the Rangers/Thrashers game in Atlanta on Saturday, and I am not a happy little sister. But, since I am apparently moving to Atlanta in the near future (as in, within six months), I forsee a lot of Thrashers-hockey (and Kari-stalking) in my future. Though, with that happening, there will be a serious and distinct lack of Blue Jackets, and that is not ok. I will find a way to remedy this, however. I'm not staying in Atlanta forever, I know that. Oh God, big city = dead Skye-chan.
So, I think that's it for now. I would bother with predictions for the playoffs, but that kind of requires effort, and as I'm still wore out from yesterday's 8-and-a-half-orgasmic-hours of hockey, I'm just way too lazy to do that. XD So right. Go Wings!
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Fantastic Finale VI? Maybe...Maybe Not.
I don't know what my feelings towards tonight's game are. I'm excited that we could win the season series, but at the same time...I don't know. Maybe I'm just tired after the 5 AM wake up call that my body decided would be fun this morning. Eh, who knows.
So, I think I will just leave you with this, and go on my way. PREVIEW
Go Blue Jackets!
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Hay guys, guess what?
And it was our 16th shutout of the season. :D
...Can I just shoot myself now and get it over with? *sigh*
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Why am I still blogging for the Blue Jackets? Ugh.
We lost to the 'Hawks, and then got murdered by the Wings. Thank you, Jason Chimera and Rick Nash for being our saviors, in each game respectively, and not making our "shutouts against" record get worse. *sigh*
Dear Columbus Blue Jackets,
Winning is good, 'kay?
Love, Skye
Friday, March 30, 2007
This shit's official?
And then this happened.
Video aside, wtfever happened to "We're gonna win that cup"!? It's a classic and this is a year of classics in Buffalo. I am full of depressed and I can think of a couple other people that won't be happy about this development either. I think I could record a better song myself on the little red tape player from when I was two. Who wants to sing back up?
Thursday, March 29, 2007
I am not pissed at you. You played well. I heart you guys seriously.
Dear Officiating for the Jackets Game,
Go fucking jump of a cliff, you fucking morons. kthxbai.
Dear Freddy Modin,
Please come back soon. Tonight proved that we need you.
Dear Chris Pronger,
... ... ... ... ...
With Hate,
Dear Sergei Fedorov,
BEAUTIFUL goal, Feds. Just beautiful. Do that more often, 'kay?
Much Love,
Dear Jackets Announcers,
Joffrey Lupul doesn't play for Anaheim anymore. Maybe you need to write that down in your notes for next time, yeah?
Amused, but Not Really,
Monday, March 26, 2007
What? I live?
Note to self: Poke at Blogger to add my other account.
Anyways. Hockey has happened quite a bit since the last time I posted. So, here we go with the bulleted list!
-The Jackets have played 7 games since I posted last, and lost only 3 of them. True, one of these losses was to Nashville, which means they swept the entire season series, but that’s not really surprising, given where they are at in the standings.
-We played Anaheim on the 14th, which wasn’t on TV, but we won it in a shootout, with David Vyborny getting the game winner. Way to go, Vybes.
-We then lost two straight in back-to-back games, one against San Jose, and one against Los Angeles. Both games were pretty much equally disgusting, with an abundance of penalties to go around. I didn’t pay much attention to either game, as I was on the phone with ‘Drea for the duration of both, but I paid enough attention to be disgusted each time.
-The only three players that seemed to show up against Los Angeles were Nash, Zherdev, and Platt, who combined for something like 8 points in the game. Platt with two goals, Nash with a goal, and Zherdev with assists on each goal. It seems to me like Hitch has hit a good line with these three. I personally hope that next season, Geoff Platt stays up with the big boys, because he’s got talent, and he’s producing. He may be little, but he’s quick, and he’s got a mean wrister. Size isn’t everything, as he’s proving (along with the Red Wings’ Jiri Hudler, who is the same height as Platt, and has been producing extremely well recently as well).
-After Los Angeles, we played Chicago, and won it soundly, 5-2. Ole-Kristian Tollefsen got his first NHL goal, so way to go, Ole-Kristian.
-Then there was the Detroit game on the 22nd. My mom and I watched this game together, and for the first time since she bought it, Mom wore her Sergei Fedorov jersey for the game. I, predictably enough, was wearing my Nikolai Zherdev jersey (though, the question really is, "When don't I wear that jersey?"). I've finally given in and admitted that I am a Red Wings fan, but this game was really no contest for me. I always want my Jackets to win, no matter who they're playing.
This game was, if nothing else, exciting to watch, and proved yet again, why Danny Gare and Jeff Rimer have taken to calling Fredrik Norrena "Steady Freddy".
When Detroit finally scored in the third, I was rather torn, because the goal was scored by Pavel Datsyuk, with an assist from little Jiri Hudler, both of whom I have extreme soft spots for. In the end, 'upset' won out over 'happy', because I wanted the Jackets to win this game. They had played phenomenally all game, and to see them play the way they had in that game, failure wasn't an option to me at that point. I wanted them to win.
With about two minutes left in the third, Ole-Kristian Tollefsen netted his second career goal, and tied it up, leading me to call 'Drea and flail to her that they had tied it up. The game went into overtime, where Steady Freddy reigned again, and it went to a shootout.
This is where I started flailing more. I am not a fan of shootouts. I like to watch them, but I don't like them deciding games. Especially Jackets games. Because history has shown that we're not very good at shootouts. Tonight, they would totally surprise me. I don't really remember much of the shootout, except for Rick Nash's beautiful goal that totally faked Chris Osgood out of his skates, Geoff Platt having his first career shootout attempt (and subsequently failing, but that's alright, he tried), and Nikolai Zherdev's failed attempt.
What I remember SO WELL, however, is realizing that the crowd in Joe Louis Arena was booing louder than they had all night. My head snapped up and I looked at the television. And there he was. Sergei Fedorov. The one that I defend ALL THE TIME against the Red Wings fans that are my friends. (Steph, looking at you.) Mom was yelling, and I told 'Drea who was up next for the shootout, and promptly started shaking. All I knew is that I wanted Sergei to net this one SO BADLY, to win this game. To win it against the Detroit Red Wings.
And he did.
Mom and I have never screamed so loud at home. 'Drea was laughing on the phone, and all three of us were just blown away by the fact that Sergei Fedorov had just won the game for the Columbus Blue Jackets, against his old team. I haven't been that elated over a win since the Jackets pulled out that amazing upset against Anaheim in January.
-Then, we played St. Louis last night, who had just come off of, ironically, a shootout win against Detroit. I had discovered earlier in the day that Manny Legace was injured, and apparently had been for a while (Uh, Steph? Why didn't you tell me? ;-;). The game started off well enough with a Jackets goal, and then St. Louis tied it up with a goal from Doug Weight. Fredrik Modin netted a goal for the Jackets, earning him his 20th goal of the season, and his 400th point of his career. What a milestone. Way to go, Freddy. Jason Chimera set a personal best for himself by tallying three assists on the night. Geoff Platt netted his fourth of the season in the third period, making the score 4-1, and made me love him just that little bit more. All in all, a good game.
So, in the time that I've been gone, hockey hasn't really been all that horrible to me. Let's hope it continues to be that way, yeah?
This is Skye-chan, signing out for now. I should be posting with more regularity soon (barring the possiblity that I don't get the job I'm hoping for, which will kill most internet chances for me, as well as my hockey watching).
Oh, oh, oh. And you know what else? Sergei Fedorov still rocks. :D
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
It hasn't been that long...
That would be St. Louis and the Flyers (shush it's not true). Both of which were about as much fun fun as a drive through the Minnesota wild with a grandfather who has tourettes and no there was no stoping at St. Mary's to
Speaking of further disappointment I can't get through this without bitching about another upset imo that is the Sabres latest road trip (with 100% less room service, they kept it in the club). Yeah I'm sure it seems like I should be content. Six of eight is good. Especially when two of those teams were the vicious birds of the east (it's a wonder how threatening the flightless variety can be and I'm not talking about ratites). And over all there would have been content with the outcome had they maybe played like they deserved it. Which is the most upsetting factor. The Atlanta game. The only game where they actually decided to show up. In fact in my opinion they out skated and out played Atlanta the whole and the only thing keeping the Thrashers in the game was that damn Finn. No really. That and the fact that our special teams are like... shit. Even when they get it together. It was close. We got the point. I still wanted two. Which is the complete OPPOSITE of the Pens game. I'm actually disturbed that we got one out of that one. Dear Pittsburgh showed us up in every way that night and I was totally ready to wish that they crash and burn for the rest of the season (oh I was, my loyalties are so cheap) but they totally deserved that while we just got way too lucky. Even in Florida we were averaging 20 shots on goal maybe per night which I know is not everything but damn it's abnormal for them okay. It was rather disgusting to watch and I'm still not sure how we crawled back out of that hole we were clinging to the edge of for a short while there. (I sound so dramatic I'm sure but after spending an entire season at the top and you kind of like to stay there, especially over traitors).
So in conclusion once again Atlanta has crushed my hopes and dreams but could they had least have the courtesy to show up some of those other teams I'd like to see smacked down a few pegs. Of course not. Because inevitably at 78.3 percent of the time hockey is destined to plague me with emotional turmoil. I have a feeling those numbers are in the general area of normal.
And so this post isn't all bitch bitch negative! Sabres did clinch playoffs as of the Habs defeat of Toronto (not that there was doubt but it's nice to have that insurance from here on out so long as it's not an excus for slacking... but really if we even lost division and the advantage at this point I would be severely shocked and may have to default to afformentioned flightless birds who can seriously take a dive and pick themselves up without so much as a skinned knee. I don't know how they do it but they're quite the force~) . Speaking of which Pens are also all but assured. I am mostly okay with the way the playoffs are shaping up to be but I would like to see the Habs or Toronto make it in (so Carolina can get bumped out, if Edmonton's out I will not sleep until they are too!) St. Louis was a nice pipe dream while it lasted (really that was sealed the day they decided Guerin and Tkachuk were too cool to skip post-season [really really, I may just be delusional])
Also Ty Conklin finally decided that patriotism was dead (or something was, I'll be nice or Skye might eat me!) and got the shiniest of shinys and it's taking every ounce of will power not to ship over to Buffalo to go see it tomorrow night (that and the fact that the Russian threesome [lollithuania counts] and Ales and his BFF will be reunited! I can't imagine there wouldn't be something worth seeing in either of that] But right. Conks has a helmet and it is quite possibly the greatest of helmets this team has ever seen. Though I do think Miller's design is nice as it's so intricate and utilizes the shape of the mask perfectly. But it's not blindingly shiny. Seriously that has to be a tactical advantage or something as it's sure to burn the retinas of all who attempt shooting the puck in that general direction! That man bs's so badly when he says he's not a mask guy (possibly worse than Marty and that takes skill!) wtf I have counted like at least 10 in the not even decade that he's played.
We'll see wether or not I actually am weak of mind tomorrow. Probably not though as it also promises more Marty.
PS: This just in. Huet is from France. Seriously.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
I was caught online again, and will probably not be able to have computer access until I move out. That will hopefully not to be too far from now.
So, I'll catch y'all at some time in the future, I hope.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
And the one thing I didn't spaz about in that is Geoff Platt's first goal. It's about damn time. Good for him.
A goal from Platt, and two goals from Vyborny, including the game winner.
Can't remember who scored for LA, don't really care. ^^;
Final Score: 3-2
Game Day!
Game Day
Los Angeles Kings @ Columbus Blue Jackets
7 P.M. Eastern Time
NHL Preview
Game Day Score Card
The Jackets are coming off a successful
two-game road trip, where they came away with 4 of 4 points earned.
Norrena is getting the start tonight after Boucher won his first game as a Blue Jacket on Saturday night.
It also looks like Hitch might have played a little blender with the lines again, as Nikolai Zherdev is up on the second line with Sergei Fedorov and Fredrik Modin. Geoff Platt is still up on the top line with David Vyborny and Rick Nash, as those three seem to have extremely good chemistry together.
A win Wednesday would also snap Columbus' three-game home losing streak. The Blue Jackets are just 1-4-1 in their last six games at Nationwide Arena.
This is not the greatest of stats, but hopefully, we can break this horrible slump tonight with a win against Los Angeles, who are struggling at the moment.
The Kings went 0-for-6 with the man advantage Tuesday, snapping a run of nine straight games with at least one power-play goal.
Los Angeles, which owns a league-worst 9-20-2 road record, visits Detroit on Friday before closing out the four-game swing Sunday at Dallas.
In other news, Edmonton plays Tampa Bay tonight, and Buffalo faces Colorado.
I think that's it from me, and I'll go back to writing fanfiction that I really should not.
Sports math: Hockey > School
There's also been lots of discussion over whether or not Ruff may just keep Stafford for the rest of this season and post. I for one think he has more than earned that place. To be honest I thought he felt like a full fledged Sabre long ago. I wouldn't even argue with Macarthur getting the same honor too if chance allows. Anyway in a rare display of guessing scores I predict 4-2 Buffalo tonight. Go Slugs!
In other news a lot of chance victories took place last night. I frighted the dog in my cussing over the Wings Nashville game not because I wanted the latter to win but because I really wanted the Wings to win regulation and I don't want that often! A repeat of this scene also took place as I audibly squee'd over the New Jersey Flyers game. Lowly Philly taking down the top team in the division is good for everyone in spite of the fact that the Devils still get a point. But it's good for the Pens on the off chance that they decide to try and play well enough to take them on again (speaking of which quite nervous about their match on Thursday and the win over Ottawa is huge to give them some insurance) and it's good for the Sabres if we want to clinch top of the division (hey we're not out of the woods yet).
Most importantly of all Biron made and absolutely disgusting save on Langenbrunner with his leg while he was on the ground. It was so lucky and smart at the same time and he got a standing ovation from his first night in his new city so of course that makes me even happier. I also kind of need to point out Scottie Upshall could this kid have been any better of an acquisition? No it's already quite clear that I don't like Nashville so it's not like I'm noticing him for that either but I swear in the every game I've been paying attention to Philly this kid has been putting up points. Where as Foppa has about three points and is now currently off searching for the newest trend in breakfast foods. By the end of this season Upshall will probably match what Forsberg did in Philly. Gagne's OT goal also made me far more happy than I should ever allow myself to be in the face of this team.
So all and all with the except of the st. Louis game, hockey was a fairly happy thing last night.
And because breakfast foods were mentioned can I please just say how much I don't really care for Joe Thorton one way or another, not to say I dislike him either, but every single time the league does something with him and his damn toast I just DIE truly and completely. I with they would put that commercial up now plzkthnx. Or maybe they shouldn't or I might watch it on repeat for the rest of my life XD;
Monday, March 5, 2007
In case you didn't know I'm obsessed with a certain devil-eyed goalie...
Trade deadline has come and gone and it's always a stressing time for fans Foppa went to Nashville making it arguably the most dangerous move for anyone set to face them come play off time. We'll see. Guerin to the Sharks also struck a particular chord with me because he's been a key player with St. Louis this year. Arguably the most important along with Legace in my option (on the plus side he resigned for two years~) and they also lost Tkachuk to Atlanta. Steph did point me toward information that basically stated outright that Guerin was a rental player and i don't see why that might not be the case with the later too though his contract did have an addition if it isn't. So all is not lost for them. Unlike Edmonton, with the most heartbreaking news of all which I'm sure I don't even need to restate here but I was rather broken up about it too. But STILL not as much as I was over this, the trade that hit home most of all. And that was no small news either but I am still reeling from disbelief over the trade of Martin Biron, quite possibly one of the most beloved athletes in the sport, to the Philadelphia Flyers; as in from number one to dead last and I don't think it's possible for me to be any more torn.
What adds salt to the wound is that when all was said and done the Sabres pretty much officially stated that this was a direct result of all the injuries we were taking, to free up money from the cap which they had maxed out. The acid in the wound is that to replace him we signed Ty fucking Conklin . To be fair I am not so bent up over that part of the deal anymore but I don't think I'll ever accept him as a Sabre unless he's in for a long haul. Doubtful. Moving back to the québécois goalie, as much as I don't want to see him leave this is an opportunity for him and he seems more or less excited about it in interviews, any number of which I could point out at home but seeing as I'm writing this at school this
"I really don't know what I would do without Marty out there. Everybody on the team enjoys him so much. Everybody has fun with him and he has fun with us. Marty is the big time key to all of it --- I think the only reason all of this is working is because of the personality of Marty."And it seems to be holding true. The Sabres have had their fair share of stars to come through their ranks but Biron was something else altogether for them. He seemed sort of like a wall. He was knowledgable , he was supportive, he was sweet, he was funny, he was a notable optimist for them, always looking ahead and I feel like the importance of what he did for them off the ice maybe even doubles what he did on it. The Flyers know they're getting a great goalie in him [and I don't say great lightly, you don't hold records for thirteen straight wins and one for shut outs for your team on mediocrity] but I hope they also realize what a fantastic person they are getting too. I think they do.

The thing that worries me most is how the management seems to be baiting him. Or it feels like that to me. In interviews it feels like they are being critical of Buffalo and calling the Sabres on only considering him a back up goaltender. Um no. We recognized that Biron was good enough to start or we would not have started him after Hasek left! We knew he could play at that level considering all his accomplishments and I think Darcy and Lindy did a lot to ensure he still got time to show that. But the fact of the matter is Miller was still better and there should be no question about starting the better goalie. The other thing that rubs me the wrong way is how much they are pushing him to sign a new contract now which I suppose is only to be expected but I still hate seeing it happen and I kind of would like to see him hold out. There's no telling what kind of opportunity free agency could bring him so long as he can keep it together for the rest of the season in spite of the team that is fronting him now. He's a desirable goalie and I suppose I just want to see him make out with the very best... and if after all that, it means choosing to stay with the Flyers then so much the better.
Regardless of where he goes from here, I will continue to follow him and love him and miss him and wish him the very best in the rest of his career. Though like any loss it is still sad, over all I am happy for him and I want him to prove his skills can shine as brightly as his personality. So for all we know this could be the beginning of something even better.
In other news I can find a really lengthy and amazingly incoherent [to me] interview with Marty's brother Mathieu en français! And I find it horribly unfair that the same does not exist of so many other French Canadian players so readily!
I am also linking NPI to Ty Conklin in an attempt to google bomb because page three just isn't good enough. Though they claim to have fixed the programing to keep bombing from happening I believe it can still be gotten around.
Friday, March 2, 2007
Good game.
SERGEI GOAL. Adorable Sergei pictures because of said goal. Life is complete.
Steady Freddy indeed. ♥ Did SO GOOD in the SO.
And I now know what to do during shootouts. Wear my Nikky hat sideways. *new superstition spawns...NOW*
In other news, the Red Wings won. Robert Lang got first star with a goal and 3 assists. Jiri Hudler and Valtteri Filppula had a goal each as well, so I am a happy little girl right now. ♥
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
I'm...Just a bit numb right now.
My biggest distress was Ryan Smyth. ...I can't even talk about it. Steph did an amazing job here though. Appy, you made me cry. Again. T_T
I just...
God, today killed my brain.
That's all from me for now.
Oh yeah. The Jackets lost. Again. At least it wasn't a shutout. Mom changed the channel with two minutes left in the game, and they scored. Twice. ...I'm such bad luck for my boys. *sigh*
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
THE DAY FROM HELL. (Wherein Skye proves that she is a moron.)
My day started out pretty good. IE: I slept on the couch until mom left for work, and I could jump online and check what all was going on in the trading world.
And then I got this news.
Ty Conklin traded to Buffalo.
I AM SO DISTRESSED ABOUT THIS. Yes, Conks kind of sucked like horribly for us, whenever he played, but still! I had grown retardedly attached to him, and I am so distressed that he's gone.
In return, I'm hearing rumors of getting a fifth-rounder.
The Jackets also claimed goalie Boucher (his first name is escaping me, and I'm too distressed to go worry about it) off of Waivers from Chicago.
Now, let's talk about the other distressing news of the day.
The Sabres traded Marty Biron. I don't even know WHY I'm so distressed about this. Drea might have something to do with it. Actually, I think I'm so distressed because of really retarded reasons that I won't divulge here.
Now. My biggest point of distress.
The Oilers Trade Ryan Smyth
...I'm going to go SOB in a corner now and hate hockey for a little bit.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
CBJ @ NYR: 3-2 WIN.
...Wow, did I have flashbacks to Thursday. It was like reliving a nightmare.
So here I am, all ready to lose. And then, what's this? An Anders Erikkson goal? You mean there is such a thing?
At this point, I'm still pretty sure we're gonna lose, 'cause...You know...It's kind of what we seem to do best, anymore. [/jaded] Not to mention we started playing our "LET'S ALL GET STUPID PENALTIES!" game again. Well, at least this obviously won't be as bad as a loss as Thursday's. Because, you know, we've actually scored in this one.
And then, what? A shorthanded goal by Jason Chimera? Really? Are you serious? It's tied? ...You're joking right? You're not? Wow! We may have a chance!
A few more penalties...Then...
Another shorthanded goal? This time by Rick Nash? Come on, this has to be a joke. Or a really good dream. Either way, it can't be real. What? It is? We're winning? ...Wow.
We managed to hold them off during the whole third period, during which, Fredrik Norrena made a wonderful showing of why he is being called Steady Freddy by Jeff Rimer and Danny Gare.
Lemme just state for the record that this totally didn't make up for Thursday's disgusting showing. Or non-showing, is more like it.
But. It did restore a little bit of my faith in humanity. Just a little however. Because we've still got a long way to go.
Final Score: 3-2
Friday, February 23, 2007
The trade bug has finally bitten us.
I'm curiously...uncaring about finding out about this trade. My only thing is: why couldn't it have been a pick for this year?
Thursday, February 22, 2007
I am disgusted. With every member of the god damn team, except Norrena, becasue it was NOT his fault. That is all.
In other news:
I'm so pround of my mouthy little french goalie
...or a sens one for that matter.
Another man down.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Manny after Ronnie Hainsey's goal kind of melted my heart a little. He looked back in the net, then looked at his glove like, "Wait, what? It's not in my glove? ..." And then shook his head, and I wanted to cuddle the little 5'9" goalie. And then I remembered, "Oh wait. RONNIE JUST GAVE US THE LEAD AGAIN! I HEART YOU HAINSEY!"
And Manny saying ON TV to the GM or president or something of the Blues, "I want to re-sign with the Blues!" ...That's so cute. ;-;
Ok, so I have to wank about the fucking officiating some. The non-call of the hook that sent Nikky into the boards? That Nikky laid on the ice after for so long? That caused my heart to jump into my throat? That caused bile to rise when they DIDN'T CALL IT. That led to a goal from St. Louis. Ugh, fucking officials.
Also: "Backman&Jackman: Attorneys at Law"? wtf? ...There are times I really love my announcers. Like the comment about the Chimmer Choo-Choo, Jonathan Cheechoo, and Jordan TooToo the other night against San Jose. That was just amazing. This however. Is not.
Oh, and how thrilled am I that I get to watch the Atlanta/Boston game on Monday night? OH SO FUCKING THRILLED. I GET TO SEE KARPPA PLAY. ...And if Boston plays Hannu, I think my brain just may fizzle and die a little. Finnish-goalie-overload and whatnot.
So I definitely just yelled at the tv when they said something about "Hope to see you there at Nationwide for the Oilers game!". I definitely just yelled "YOU WILL! ♥!" ...Well, as much as you can yell a ♥!. XD
So Mom and I went to the Ameristop to get me sweets (because hockey = sweets need to be consumed), and by the time we got back, the Blues had scored two more times. wtf, guys? Although that Backman goal was really actually kind of good. Freddy left that rebound out there, and Backman jumped on it.
Sergei on the blueline in OT? Apparently, this is not so odd, as he was on the blueline in Detroit sometimes, but it's still sort of boggling to me.
Ewwww, shootout. I do not likey shootouts. Especially when they involve my boys.
...Manny Legace, you are small and cute, but I severely dislike you right now. Give me twenty four hours.
Dear Blue Jackets,
Please stop going to shootouts against the St. Louis Blues. WE ARE HORRIBLE IN SHOOTOUTS AGAINST MANNY. LEARN THIS AND LEARN TO BEAT THEM IN REGULATION. kthxbai.
However, this is me loving on my boys, no matter the outcome. ♥ They played well tonight. omg, can't wait for Thursday. ;-;
Game Day!
Game Day Scorecard
So tonight, we play the Blues again. It'll be game six of the eight game series, with the Blues leading the series 3-2. Every game has been won by the visiting team.
The Jackets are saying, "Playoffs? What're those? Ohhh, those things we're not gonna make." at this point. Which is depressing, but not really surprising.
In other news, the Oil are playing the Sens tonight, and Boston is playing Toronto. (Maybe Boston will start Hannu Toivonen, my favorite Finnish goalie? Probably not, but I can hope, yeah? Because the idea of him going up against Andrew Raycroft kind of makes me squee and giggle for reasons it should not. Right. Shutting up now.)
The Sabres are playing the Flyers on Versus, and I was going to watch that game until I remembered that there was a Jackets game tonight. Oh well. Sigh.
Also, Rick Nash has a website now. This mildly frightens me. I don't know if it's the terrifying header picture, or what. But I'm mildly frightened.
So I think that's it for me for now. There may be an attempted live!blog from me (aka I keep a running tab in a Word document, then post it when I get online.)
Monday, February 19, 2007
Uh...False alarm?
...Sorry for the false alarm. *head desk*
Oh yeah.
A Zherdev goal against Montreal? OMG YES PLEASE KTHXBAI.
...Yep, that's it from me for a while, I'm thinking. There will probably be a voice post on LJ after the game on Thursday, so if you want to know what I thought of the game/if I had fun/all that fun stuff, head over to Hockey Is Life (my LJ) on Thursday night/early Friday morning, and it'll be there.
A bit of a hiatus from me, I'm afraid.
So. This is me letting you all know. She thinks she deleted the way I get on the net, but she didn't, but I'm not gonna push it, because if I'm caught again, I'm pretty sure I'll be kicked out for good. I hope to be able to talk to you all again soon. I'm gonna miss you! T_T
So, this is Skye, signing out for a while. I hope to be back soon. T_T ♥'s for everyone!
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Wake up call.
Wishes for hockey today (besides the Sabres not sustaining anymore injuries oh they can do it I'm sure) pretty much revolve around the Pens winning with a side note of hoping Sidvechkin is special enough to provoke a lot of hurt
Saturday, February 17, 2007
It's so good I had to write something.
I have not heard or seen Buffalo this riled up in quite some time and with good reason. Setting the scene it is 3-2 Boston. Buffalo recently scored on on a two man advantage with five foreward in a fashion I feel like I should be upset to see anyone but the Oilers do! Buffalo is still on the power play with less than a minute left in the period when little Briere is set up for a gorgeous clear shot. Thomas however made a save that was as ridiculous as one made by us in the last Boston game. Right off the fat end of the stick. It was kind of surreal but rather dissapointing too.
However play continued to the end of the period and the teams started to head out but because there was no stopping after that save they only just started reviewing it then. Replays show that the puck was clearly over the line when it was deflected. Cue Danny slowly meandering over to the refs who are on the phone and waiting like a little kid who's just been promised a boat load of candy. I can't get through this without saying it was all kinds of adorable. I think before the call was even made Lindy had the whole team back out on the bench to support Briere. After the fact it must have taken Boston at least five minutes to do the same. The refs were getting pissed and purportedly threatened a delay of game. I mean I'm sure no would want to have to come back after being informed that their game had in fact been tied up when they thought they were safe but seriously? Just get it over with! It's not like it was end of game which would really suck. But you could see how upset they were in the short replay that ensued playing so halfhearted. Still I'm happy to see how interesting this game is shaping up to be.
As a slight downer Kotalik is now out for the rest of this game and that could have serious repercussions if he ends up going the way of so many other Sabres, being a strong player for us and potential trade fodder. The less we can use other people the more trading Marty will be a possibility and I don't think I could stand for that this season. Stafford also took a nasty fall and I think you could hear my swearing throughout the western half of the state because he only just started again (after getting a goal in the first too! The kid's a tank) and that's not only bad for Buffalo but Rochester too! While I'm happy that Rochester has so many good players for Buffalo to rely on when they need them it's stuff like this that really hurt Rochester in their own endeavours for the Calder cup. Of course I'd like to see both teams do as well as possible.
So now Boston seems to be agitated about that call and it's showing~ Maybe another scruff or two is in order.
And as if the game wasn't good enough already. MARTY ON MIC TONIGHT! Oh it's better than Christmas!
Edit: Peters shoulder injury too? Fucking hell.