Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Dear Blue Jackets,

I love you. If only we could combine Steady Freddy's two shutouts with Pazzy's nine. That's still an amazing stat, and holy God, I love you guys. ♥

So Much Love,

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I go to see Jose play tonight...

And I'm going to try my hardest to not make the people around me hate me again.

...Ah, who'm I kidding?

At least I'm not going to wear all Thrashers stuff this time.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

So the only hockey happening in my head is:

OH MY GOD. I see Jose Theodore in fourthree days! If he plays like he did the other night (SHUTOUT ANYONE? Over the DUCKS?), I will be in tears before the night is over.

Dearest Jose Nicholas Theodore,

Please, please for the love of God, play like you played against the Ducks.

Much Love Always,