So I'm not sure what I'm doing over here, honestly, when I've got No Pun Intended already but I'm sure I'll find something. Mostly I just don't know how to say no. (I'll see you soon over on HLOG too maybe?) In fact I'm sure I'll end up wasting even more peoples' time here than there, how about that! So anyway since all the serious blogging I'll be doing will probably happen there I'll more often than not just throw a bunch of links to anything important like game recaps and whatnot. But hey someone has to represent the West out here, considering almost everyone else around is an East fan or at least lingering around the Central division.
Maybe I'll go on about trades (oh wait I already did that)! Did you hear? Every team in the league wants Foppa. How about that?
Or maybe I'll ramble about my fantasy team! That'll be fun times for everyone, HAY DARCY TUCKER REMEMBER WHEN YOU PLAYED HOCKEY?
In closing, the Devils still play boring hockey and the Senators (minus Antoine Vermette) still suck.
Good. You can throw up the cute pictures of players so I don't have to embarass myself by doing that. XD Because I'm pretty sure this blog does NOT need an entire picspam of Hannu Toivonen. Which I still need to do for Caitie. XD
Note to self: Do that tomorrow.
...And Jussi is still adorable. And always will be. XD
I'm not sure it's smart that someone has given me a blog on which I feel it is okay to thoroughly embarrass myself. Hm.
Possibly because I'm pretty sure no one will EVER take this blog seriously, seeing as how it's run by a Blue Jackets fan? XD
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