Tuesday, October 14, 2008

RIP Alexei Cherepanov

I don't even really know what to say. A young man, a year younger than myself, died of a heart attack, playing the sport he loved.

I didn't know much about him, as a player or as a person, I just remember watching him get drafted in 2007, watching as team after team passed him by, until finally, the team with his idol, Jaromir Jagr, drafted him 17th. The irony that it was Jagr with him is not lost on me.

I've cried, I threw up, and I think it's finally out of my system. Is this going to be the end of the tragedies for hockey for now? I guess we can only pray that it is. Three promising young lives taken in the short course of a year are three too many.

RIP Alexei.


JH29 said...

The Cherepanov and Bourdon accidents are tragic, for their families and the NHL. The question is whether these accidents can be prevented in the future. Maybe better testing on the NHL's part for the Cherepanov situation and educating the players (youngsters) on dangerous activities such as motorcycle etc... Just seems like more should/can be done to prevent tragedies like these from occuring in the future.... and it is ridiculous how the Rangers are seeking another pick to replace Cherepanov. My thoughts. http://jib-sports-culture.blogspot.com/2008/11/tragedy-for-promising-rookies.html

Skye-chan said...

I frankly don't understand how you could miss such a serious condition in Alexei Cherepanov's situation. And to not have working defibrilators in the arena is just ridiculous. It's the exact thing that Jiri Fischer has been lobbying for since his accident. It saved him and it maybe could have saved Alexei.

As for the wanting 'compensation' for his death... It makes me sick. I understand that hockey is a business, but there are lines of decency that should not ever be crossed and that is one of them.