Friday, June 15, 2007

New GM Time!

Let's hope this one is a SIGHT better than Maclean, shall we? Yeah, I thought so.

Blue Jackets Name Scott Howson General Manager

As for my thoughts, everything seems to be pointing in the right direction for my boys. ...Now, Nikky, darling, please quit being an emotastic little Ukrainian and listen to your coaches so that they don't trade you, yeah? Actually, my true thoughts would be: ANYONE is better than Doug Maclean at this point.
As for the Stanley Cup results...Let's just say, I spent the night sitting on the floor, sobbing as I watched Chris Pronger lift the Cup. The rest of the team deserved it.

And seeing my two little Jacket boys (Shush, they ARE STILL JACKETS dammit, I will not resign myself to associating them with that team.), Motzko and Hartigan, lift the Cup made me smile bigger than anything did that evening. And Teemu Selanne made me cry as well. What is it with me and my inherent love of all Finns? I seriously need to stop. It's going to get me in trouble one of these days.

So, I think I'm going to join the campaign that seems to be going around and just pretend that the '06-'07 playoffs never happened, and I didn't see Chris Pronger hoist the Cup. Sound good? Yeah, sounds good to me too.

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