Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Game Day!

NHL Preview

Game Day Scorecard

So tonight, we play the Blues again. It'll be game six of the eight game series, with the Blues leading the series 3-2. Every game has been won by the visiting team.

The Jackets are saying, "Playoffs? What're those? Ohhh, those things we're not gonna make." at this point. Which is depressing, but not really surprising.
In other news, the Oil are playing the Sens tonight, and Boston is playing Toronto. (Maybe Boston will start Hannu Toivonen, my favorite Finnish goalie? Probably not, but I can hope, yeah? Because the idea of him going up against Andrew Raycroft kind of makes me squee and giggle for reasons it should not. Right. Shutting up now.)

The Sabres are playing the Flyers on Versus, and I was going to watch that game until I remembered that there was a Jackets game tonight. Oh well. Sigh.

Also, Rick Nash has a website now. This mildly frightens me. I don't know if it's the terrifying header picture, or what. But I'm mildly frightened.

So I think that's it for me for now. There may be an attempted live!blog from me (aka I keep a running tab in a Word document, then post it when I get online.)


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